Through the camera's eye


During the festival, Trans-Siberian Art Festival 2018

Artistic meeting with Bruno Monsaingeon (Documentary filmmaker, France) on the documentary "Glenn Gould, hereafter" (2006)

Having already shot seven films about Glenn Gould, Bruno Monsaingeon creates a real masterpiece from "Hereafter"! But it was not easy to do: after so many footage, written biographies and works of art dedicated to the memory of Glenn Gould, who died in 1982, how to tell about him something new and yet unknown to anyone?

Monsaingeon is probably the person who knew Glenn Gould better than anyone else in the world, that is why he was able to do it. Beginning to search for new materials about the famous pianist, he finds the real treasures. What's so unusual in his film? Monsaingeon considers the genius of Glenn as something integral, that no one else has done before him.

The whole film is a kind of polyphony, where the voices of witnesses call to one another, like an echo. Especially memorable are Nick (Glenn’s dog), Arnold Schoenberg (his boat) and Yehudi Menuhin in the role of competitor ... (Source:!/glenn-gould-au-dela-du-temps)

Bruno Monsaingeon, a Parisian violinist, whose main work in the last thirty years is the production of musical films. Their heroes are the greatest musicians of our time: Nadia Boulanger, Murray Peraia, Svyatoslav Richter, Victoria Postnikova, Gennady Rozhdestvensky, Zoltan Kochish, Friedrich Gulda, Paul Tortelier, Julius Katchen, Dietrich Fischer-Diskau, Julia Varadi, Grigory Sokolov, Alban Berg quartet and others. Particularly significant was the cooperation of Monsaingeon with Yehudi Menuhin and Glenn Gould, which resulted in a number of films about them. Two became world-famous: "The open wall. Menuhin in China." And "Goldberg Variations". After several years of searching, Monsaingeon managed to find, restore and edit many archival shootings of David Oistrakh on Soviet television; on their basis, he made a series of three programs "Oistrakh's Collection" and a film-portrait "David Oistrakh. National artist?". In 2006 Monsaingeon achieved the film "Glenn Gould. Life after death", in which he used the maximum of existing materials: the view from today on the life and work of Gould - nature, gifted musically, literary and intellectually. In 2004 he made his debut as a conductor at the Ural Academic Philharmonic Orchestra in Yekaterinburg. He is the author of seven books.



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