International Christmas Festival of Arts will be opened at two concert venues simultaneously
On 1 December the International Christmas Festival of Arts will be opened by two events simultaneously. At Arnold Katz State Concert Hall the official opening of the forum will take place: the concert of the Philharmonic Chamber Orchestra and pianist Barry Douglas (Ireland), conductor – Michel Tilquin (Belgium). At the Chamber Philharmonic Hall - Olga Volkova’s benefit play «Dear Pamela" by Moscow "Optimistic Theater."
The XI International Christmas Festival of Arts will be held in Novosibirsk from 1 to 11 December. One of the largest cultural forums beyond the Urals will present to the audience 19 projects with participation of Russian and foreign stars of music and theater, as well as experimental projects. This year for the first time Novosibirsk State Philharmonic Society is a key organizer of the Biennale.
The Program of the XI International Christmas Festival of Arts brings together instrumental classics and opera vocal, jazz and blues, early Russian spiritual and chamber music as well as drama, mime, tap and experimental projects on the verge of arts - music and graphics performance, music and lyrics.
The Festival will be closed by the concert of brilliant soprano Hibla Gerzmava and Novosibirsk Philharmonic Orchestra with the Principal guest conductor Fabio Mastrangelo.
Together with invited stars the Ensembles of Novosibirsk State philharmonic society will be the main characters of the forum: Novosibirsk Philharmonic orchestra, Chamber orchestra, ensemble of soloists “Novosibirsk Kamerata”, Filarmonica-quartet, Chamber Choir, Vladimir Tolkachev Big Band.
The stars of the festival: actors Sergey Garmash, Alexander Filippenko, Olga Volkova, Adam Darius, singer Hibla Gerzmava, pianists Barry Douglas and Alexander Palei, Daniil Kramer jazz trio, ensemble of ancient sacred music “Sirin”, chamber orchestra I Virtuosi Italiani, Tomsk academic symphony orchestra and many others.
The events of the XI International Christmas Festival of Arts were held in four concert venues of Novosibirsk: Arnold Kats State Concert Hall, the Philharmonic Chamber Hall, the theater "Globe" and the Palace of Scientists of Academgorodok.
Along with the tour projects the International Christmas Festival of Arts will include the program of cultural events prepared by the cultural institutions of Novosibirsk and the program of events in Novosibirsk region.
Organizers of the XI International Festival of Arts: Government of Novosibirsk region, Ministry of culture of Novosibirsk Region, Novosibirsk State Philharmonic society. The Festival was supported by German Goethe cultural center in Novosibirsk, Italian cultural center in Moscow, Embassy of Italia in Russia, and Polish cultural center in Moscow.