Filarmonica-quartet successfully performed in Moscow and St. Petersburg
On 11 and 12 December the concerts of the string quartet Filarmonica in the halls of Moscow and St. Petersburg Philharmonic society took places.
Novosibirsk musicians performed works by Mozart, Beethoven, Dvorak and were highly appreciated by the capital experts. Filarmonica quartet was invited to the Festival of Contemporary Music «Other Space», which will be held at Moscow Philharmonic in November 2013.
«Performances in Moscow and St. Petersburg are always exciting and important, because here is a galaxy of experts of quality music. We were pleased that the director of Moscow Philharmonic society Alexey Shalashov assisted at the concert,- Valery Karchaguin said, the artistic director of Filarmonice-quartet. — These trips allow you to feel that working in Novosibirsk we belong to the whole community of Russian music.»
«Filarmonica quartet has a luxurious ability to execute major complex works, masterpieces of classical music, — Galina Bork, the manager of the team, said. — Creative offers and invitations that the quarter receives after these concerts, confirm our level again and again.»
Filarmonica-quartet has a rich experience of performing at the prestigious Russian and international festivals. In August 2012 the musicians played in the cities of Germany and France in the frames of the festival «Mad Piano.» Upcoming concerts of Filarmonica-quartet will take place on 14 and 15 January – a famous alto player Maxim Rysanov will play with the quartet.