Vadim Repin & Greta Garbo in «Love»

Greta Garbo
Афродита Райкопулу
Франк Штробель
15 April, 18:30

Novosibirsk Philharmonic Orchestra

Vadim Repin, violin

Conductor – Frank Strobel (Germany)

During the festival, Trans-Siberian Art Festival 2018

Raickopoulou. Violin concert to the movie «Love» with Great Garbo

Russian and world’s premieres are the trade mark of the Trans-Siberian Art Festival. Edmund Goulding’s silent film “Love” (1927), based on “Anna Karenina”, will be accompanied by new soundtrack composed by Aphrodite Raickopoulou especially for Vadim Repin. Author and creator of the project Carmen Zgouras. The conductor Frank Strobel is the best world’s specialist of combining film and live music.

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