Sample Repertoire
From IvanThe Terrible to Peter the Great
Spiritual and Secular music of the Russian Court from the 16–18 centuries.
Window in to Europe Russian music of the 18 century
West European Sacred Music
(J.S. Bach, Schutz, Monteverdi, and Charpentier)
West European Baroque music
(Instrumental music by Telemann, Vivaldi, and J.S. Bach, arias and vocal music by Handel, Purcell, and Monteverdi)
French Renaissance Music
(Arbeau, Passereau, Crequillon, Sermisy, Vallet, Phalese, and Attaignant)
Renaissance music from England and Italy
(Morley, Dowland, Byrd, Holborne, Banchieri, Valente, Caroso, Azzaiolo, Festa, Descanio, Capiroli et alia)
The Play of Daniel a puppet show representation of a thirteenth century musical drama
A Performing History of Lute Music.
Pieces for Medieval, Renaissance and Baroque Lutes.