
17 may
On May 17th at the Arnold Kats State Concert Hall there will be held the anniversary concert of Novosibirsk Orchestra of Russian Folk Instruments, the oldest musical collective in Novosibirsk. In the program "90 years in the line" will sound both classical and modern compositions, three premieres will be performed, and famous conductors and soloists will go out on the stage together with the collective.
10 may
From 2nd to 6th of May the ensemble of Novosibirsk Philharmonic "Markell's Voices" performed 14 times on the streets of Moscow with a capella programs. Performances were held within the framework of the contest "Moscow Spring a Capella". Festival venues were visited by more than 4 million people, and all in the contest participants performed about 8,000 songs.
5 may
From 2nd to 6th of May the ensemble of Novosibirsk Philharmonic "Markell's Voices" will perform 16 times on the streets of Moscow with a capella programs. Performances will be held within the framework of the contest "Moscow Spring a Capella". The jury consists of Lyubov Kazarnovskaya, Valeriya and Viktor Drobysh, and its prize fund is 17 million rubles.
4 may
On 14th of May Novosibirsk Philharmonic Orchestra will go on tour in Europe. Conducted by its artistic director and chief conductor Gintaras Rinkevicius, the collective will give 6 concerts in the cities of Italy, Slovenia and Croatia. Solo in all programs will be a native of Novosibirsk, the famous violinist, artistic director of the Trans-Siberian Art Festival Vadim Repin.
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